The 3 Main Effects Drinking Coffee Can Have On Your Health

There are of course many people who swear not to touch coffee because of the negative health effects they believe it can have on them. There are actually a few benefits to the moderate consumption of coffee like the reduction of risk of some illnesses and diseases. Really most people who drink coffee do so because they want to stay awake, feel more energy and go longer without a nap. If you are drinking too much coffee there are of course negative side effects that can come of it despite the positivity of these new studies. We will talk about a few of the potential health effects coffee can have in this article.

Women who drink too much coffee are said to have a higher degree of infertility and birth problems. There are markedly more stillbirth deliveries in women who say they drank coffee throughout pregnancy. 2 or more cups per day significantly increases your chances of spontaneous abortion during the first trimester stages of pregnancy. Too much coffee during pregnancy can also cause low birth weight. Switching to a less caffeinated version isn’t going to make a big difference because of the harmful chemicals used in the removal process.

Cirrhosis of the liver is found fewer times in in coffee drinkers than in most others. These can make your liver stop doing it’s job. Those who consume coffee may benefit from the caffeine’s stout anti-fibrotic properties. Some studies have linked a decreased risk of liver cancer to the consumption of caffeine in coffee.

Those trying to diet and lose weight may actually be hindered in their progress by their coffee consumption. If you want to avoid long term weight gain you should avoid caffeine. You might think in the short term that you can lose more weight by drinking more coffee each day. This happens as a result of the diuretic effect of coffee, you’ll initially lose water weight but not fat. Your caffeine consumption isn’t helping your blood sugar levels either. This hormone actually stimulates your appetite and makes you feel hungry before you should. It certainly won’t help if you are also adding cream and sugar in your coffee, since you’ll be increasing your overall calorie intake.

In conclusion you aren’t likely to see any harmful effects from moderate consumption of caffeine but too much could cause you problems. There are health risks involved in drinking excessive amounts of any caffeinated beverage. In order to avoid these problems be diligent with your monitoring and self control. Keep from making these mistakes by using some self control and moderation.