Different Espresso Coffee Machines For Commercial And Residential Use

Espresso is a ubiquitous coffee drink that has become popular all over the world. In fact, it is considered the modern base of many of the commercial drinks available in the cafs and other coffee shops around the world. The creation of this beverage requires the use of a specialized processing machine often simply called the Espresso machine. There are different types and classes of this machine in the market today and knowing their own requirements as well as well as the qualities of the machines themselves will help buyers make an informed choice on which machine to purchase.

How Espresso Machines Work

Espresso is made by forcing nearly boiling water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure. This method produces a liquid with thick consistency that has more suspended and dissolved solids than liquids produced by other types of coffee machines. An espresso maker will often heat the water and place it under pressure to be used to create coffee. There are different ways used to produce some machines are steam driven, others have pumps some are air pum driven, and finally there are the manual piston driven machines.

The Rise of Domestic Espresso Machines

Because of the skill required and the bulk of earlier espresso makers, drinking the espresso and its derivatives started to be considered as a social activity but improvements in manufacturing and miniaturization has produced hundreds of models for use at home. Early models were simply smaller versions of commercial grade machines but todays new espresso coffee machines for the home are a lot different from their shop grade counterparts. One of the biggest differences between the two types of coffee machines is the sheer amount of coffee that they can make simultaneously. Those used in shops can often produce multiple cups of espresso in short order with minimal delay even with multiple operators and users. Home machines are often only equipped with a single output which can make one cup at a time with a time interval to ensure proper water temperature and pressure.

In order to choose the right machine for their purposes buyers should consider the number of servings and the requirements of preparation when the machine will be used. Newer models offer automated process that would negate the need for separate coffee grinders but the users may need to give up control of other manual aspects in this case.