How Many Time Can You Do Coffee Enema A Day
If you are reading this article, you probably are familiar that coffee enema is a natural, simple and effective way of cleansing the body and remove wastes and toxins. You might even have been doing it one or few times at home. The question that remains is How many times can you do coffee enema a day?
Many people have this question because they worried the problems that can cause by doing coffee enema too often. Some might worry about the caffeine addiction that caused by frequent coffee enema. If you are a coffee lover, this might not bother you at all. Some might concern about the problems and side effects caused by caffeine. Although there are many news about the benefits of taking coffee, there are many reports about the danger that caused by caffeine.
If you have this question, read the following guide. It is not accurate but a guide that is reliable.
If you just started coffee enema, do it everyday for a week. This allows you to remove lots of wastes, toxins and even parasites that endanger your body. By doing this, youll see some significant improvement on your health, skin and probably relief your constipation problem (if you have it). Cancer patients or patients who have serious problems are also recommended to do coffee enema everyday.
If you have no serious health problems but constipation is bothering you. Do it for once every two or three days. You can stop after a month and observe if constipation is still a problem to you.
If you have a healthy body and would like to be healthier by maintaining a clean body, do coffee enema once a week will be sufficient. By doing it once a week, you dont need to worry about caffeine addiction problems. It will help in stimulating your liver to speed up the detoxification process once a while. Your body will not rely on it too.
If you follow this simple guide, youll be able to enjoy the results and process with coffee enema. It is simple and convenient.